Overwatch 2 has now revealed their blast to the past in the form of Overwatch Classic, which is taking players back to the games original release in May of 2016.
While this will be nostalgic for many players, this isn't here permanently, and we're going to run over all of the playable maps below.
Here's what we know.
Overwatch Classic: All Maps
Overwatch Classic brings the 21 original heroes back into the spotlight with all of their original moves, skins and more.
Players are amped to see all of the original maps as well, and it's a fantastic opportunity for players to see how the game was back then.
In terms of a end date, the event began on November 12, and players will be able to play the following maps.
Assault maps are challenging maps where a team must try to capture two objective points that are defended by the opposing team within the time limit.
Temple of Anubis
Volskaya Industries
Control maps are an all-out brawl as both teams work to capture an objective point and hold it long enough to score without letting the other team do the same. Best two out of three wins.
Lijang Tower
Escort Maps will have a team help escort a payload throughout a map. Reach checkpoints to extend your time and complete the map to win. Opponents work to stop the payload from completing the route.
Route 66
Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Hybrid maps combine Assault and Escort modes to create a challenging course where the attacking team must capture an objective then escort a payload throughout the rest of the map. Opponents need to stop the payload from reaching the end.
King’s Row