New Maps

Valorant as a whole has been soaring to new heights, and with the release of a brand new Agent in the form of Fade, the game's meta has changed drastically.
If you're looking to mix things up in terms of your gameplay, the Flower Crosshair may be something you should consider using!
How To Get The Flower Crosshair In Valorant
One of the most vital parts of Valorant is your crosshair, and players usually spend a decent portion of time crafting one that they'll enjoy using in matches.
So, why not use one that'll wow your teammates with your creative mind, and also one that isn't too bad to use.
Below is an outline into how to correctly implement the Flower Crosshair within Valorant.
- Outlines - On
- Outline Opacity - 1
- Outline Thickness - 1
- Center Dot - On
- Center Dot Opacity - 1
- Center Dot Thickness - 4
Inner Lines
- Show Inner Lines - On
- Inner Line Opacity - 0
- Inner Line Length - 3
- Inner Line Thickness - 8
- Inner Line Offset - 2
Outer Lines
- Show Outer Lines - On
- Outer Line Opacity - 0
- Outer Line Length - 3
- Outer Line Thickness - 2
- Outer Line Offset - 3