The Fall

Fallout 76 has perhaps, one of the best comeback stories in video gaming, as the game was a massive let down when it was first premiered.
One of the bigger aspects of the game that was touted when it was released was the base building, and during the Wastelander's DLC releasing, the Water Well became one of the most sought after plans.
How To Get The Water Well In Fallout 76
As noted above, the Water Well plan is an object plan that players will be able to obtain and craft for their base.
It's as you'd expect, a simple Water Well that players can place where ever they want too around their base, and will be a neat little addition.
Samuel will be able to sell you this plan for 750 Gold if you have the current reputation of Neighborly.
As well, you'll also be able to purchase it via Minerva throughout her rotation of items for sale.