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Turtle BeachJanuary 17, 2023

All Classes In Hogwarts's Legacy - Dark Arts, Potions and More

You're a Wizard...

Hogwarts Legacy looks like the game all Potter fans have been waiting for. For a franchise that is so huge, it has yet to produce a very memorable video game to go with it; but that's all about to change.

With the title coming sooner than later, they've already announced a ton of classes we're going to be able to take part in, and we're going to run over them now.

Here we go!

All Classes In Hogwart's Legacy - Dark Arts, Potions and More

Since Hogwart's is a school after all, players will be able to take their wizard throughout the iconic halls, and sit and learn throughout some of the many classes players have the option to take.

After all, the more we learn in these classes, the stronger our wizard will be come, as players will be able to fine tune their skills.

Hogwarts Legacy will have the following classes within their game.

  • Charms
  • Potions
  • Herbology
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts