May 27, 2022
GTA Online is far from perfect and like any game, it can be subject to the occasional glitch and bug which stops you playing or causes the game to crash.
If you’re clicking on this page we would imagine that you’re currently experiencing that annoying glitch where you get stuck in the ‘skycam’ clouds on the loading screen. This does happen on occasion, although we’re not sure precisely why this bug tends to rear its ugly head from time to time. All we do know is that it’s incredibly frustrating and that there is (thankfully) a fix.
Read on for details on how to fix this rather annoying skycam bug that causes players to get stuck on the loading screen.
Fix GTA Online Endless Skycam Glitch In GTA Online
Before we continue, do note that the fix for the infinite loading screen glitch only works on PC. For the time being, players haven’t found a way to get around the glitch on PlayStation or Xbox consoles. So you might have to do with quitting the game and jumping back in. For those on PC, we have some better news for you.
All you have to do is tab out of the game and use your windows resource monitor. From here you can suspend GTA 5 for a few seconds and then when you resume it, you should have fixed the endless loading screen glitch. When you return to the game you should no longer be stuck in the clouds, but rather, back on the ground.
To recap, follow these steps to fix the GTA Online infinite loading screen glitch:
- Press Ctrl-alt-delete to open the Windows task manager
- Select “networking” and then “resource monitor”
- Suspend GTA 5 for roughly 15 seconds
- Resume the game
- Tab back into the GTA 5 and it should be fixed
That’s everything you need to know about how to fix the endless loading screen glitch in GTA Online, however, if you’re looking for more GTA guides then follow the links below for more helpful tips, tricks and explainers.
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