GTA Online lets you create your own character and you can customise how they look in a multitude of different ways, but what can you do if you decide that you want to change your appearance after you start playing? Assuming you’ve not put in loads of hours, you might decide just to create a new character from scratch, but what if you have played the game extensively and don’t want to start again? Here’s everything you need to know about changing your appearance in GTA Online.
How To Change Your Appearance In GTA Online
To change your appearance in GTA Online you will first need to have $100,000. As soon as you’ve earned $100,000 you can change your appearance. Just follow these steps:
- First, load into an online session as you normally would.
- Once you’ve loaded in with your character, open the interactions menu.
- To open your interaction menu press M on PC, holding down the touchpad on PS4 and PS5, and holding the View button on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.
- Scroll down on the interaction menu and select “style”
- Now select “change appearance”, and when you do, $100,000 will be taken from your account.
You will now be loaded into the police line-up menu that you will have originally seen when you first made your character at the start of the game. From here you can once again change your character heritage, features, appearance, apparel, and more. Do note, you cannot change character gender.
Other Ways To Change Your Appearance
If you’re happy with the way your character looks physically, but want to give them a fresh look there are plenty of ways to do so. Across Los Santos you can visit any number of Tattoo Parlours, Barbers, and Clothing Shops.
It seems obvious but a Tattoo Parlour will allow you to add, take away or change any tattoos you have on your character. . For the barbers you can alter your hairstyle, colour as well as any face paints you want to add. Likewise, if you head to one of the three clothing stores (Binco, Ponsonbys and Suburban) you can change your clothing however you like, with all clothes bought stored in your closet.
The cost of tattoos, haircuts and clothing will all vary, so make sure you’ve plenty of cash in the bank for any changes you wish to make.
How Many Times Can You Change Your Appearance?
Following the release of the Import/Export update (December 2016) Rockstar introduced the ability to change your character appearance as many times as you like.
That’s everything you need to know about changing your appearance in GTA Online. If you’re looking for more GTA guides then follow the links below for more helpful tips, tricks, and explainers.
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