
Fortnite's new 20.30 update was released not too long ago, and since, players have been flying around the map with Lightsaber's and other new wepaons.
Speaking of flying, Choppa's were recently added back into the game, and we're going to run over where players will be able to find them!
Where To Find A Choppa In Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3
Choppa's or helicopters are new to Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3, as they're now spawning all over the map and can be a fantastic way to rotate to zone when you need a quick escape.
With this vehicle being brand new to the game, there's limited spawns and players will want to hunt them down as fast as possible.
As of now, there's only four locations of Choppa's around the map, and you can view these down below thanks to