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Nick FarrellJanuary 31, 2025

Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2: Full Patch Notes and More

The OG seasons of Fortnite are going to be cycling throughout the years over the course of 2025, and there's been a lot of players flocking back to the game just for this game mode.

Epic Games has now released Season 2 OG, which will bring back a beloved POI in Tilted Towers.

Here's all of the patch notes. 

Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2: Full Patch Notes and More

Waiting for the next Fortnite season is something no one truly enjoys but this time round it'll be well worth the wait. 

Chapter 1 Season 2 OG is finally here, and below are all of the notes.

Old Haunts Return - Chapter 1 Season 2 POIs

Chapter 1 Season 2 reintroduces POIs from the classic Chapter 1 Season 2, so get ready to cause HOA complaints at Snobby Shores once again! 

Here are the nostalgic points of interest that await:

Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2 Map

Tilted Towers

Let’s be honest, you’re gonna drop here first. Boasting towering high-rises, Tilted Towers is a magnet for both Chests and danger! Take refuge and loot up in the slew of apartment complexes and offices, or brave the streets of the concrete jungle.

Fortnite OG Tilted Towers

Junk Junction

This scrapyard paradise is a treasure trove of loot, but watch out — every car stack and rubbish pile in Junk Junction could be obscuring a sneaky opponent! Even if the coast is clear, you’ll still be under the watchful eye of the Metal Llama.

Fortnite OG Junk Junction

Haunted Hills

Lurking just below Junk Junction is Chapter 1 Season 2’s creepiest spot, Haunted Hills! This dilapidated POI is full of abandoned tombs and crumbling architecture, and enemy players will only add to the scare.

Fortnite OG Haunted Hills

Snobby Shores

At Snobby Shores, expect high-rolling residences and enough loot to keep up with the Joneses and then some. Can you find the underground bunker in this opulent enclave?

Fortnite OG Snobby Shores

Shifty Shafts

This isn’t your average mining facility! Delve deep into the ground and explore the labyrinth of tunnels that await. The close-quarters combat of Shifty Shafts isn’t for the faint of heart, but there’s always a chance to strike (figurative) gold if luck is on your side!

Fortnite OG Shifty Shafts

(Sky)Dive into a Vintage Loot Pool

OG Chapter 1 Season 2 will expand the loot pool with gear from the classic Chapter 1 Season 2 being added on a regular basis:

  • Small Shield Potion (live now!) - Need a quick boost to your defense? This is your go-to drink, offering 25 Shield each ‘til you’re at 50!

  • Multi-Surface Damage Trap (live now!) - The spike is mightier than the sword. Place the upgraded Damage Trap on a floor, ceiling, or wall to ambush unsuspecting enemies!

  • Boogie Bomb - Throw this funky orb into the fray to unleash a momentary, disco-fueled dance party on your foes. Let the rhythm take over and turn the tide of battle in style!

  • Suppressed Pistol - The ideal weapon for stealthy attacks. Be quick on the draw and even quicker on the reload to make the most of this sneaky sidearm!

  • Cozy Campfire - Need to heal up after a frantic fight? Choose a place for this benign Trap and restore your HP for up to 25 seconds at 2 HP per second. A great opportunity to tell your friends a quick story!

  • Chug Jug - The ultimate lifeline in a firefight, this whopping beverage takes quite a bit to consume, but grants full Health and full Shield. Just make sure you’re not interrupted before you chug it all!

    • You can drink the Chug Jug while moving. “Chug along,” as they say!

  • Minigun - With no magazine limit, this weapon is the perfect tool for razing buildings or going on a haphazard offensive. Fire away for too long, though, and you’ll become vulnerable with the Minigun’s prolonged cooldown period!

  • Crossbow - Swap bullets for arrows. Fun fact: The Crossbow was first introduced as Cupid’s Crossbow before becoming the Crossbow in Season 3!

  • Impulse Grenade - Launch yourself to outmaneuver incoming attacks, or end an elevated skirmish by sending enemies to the ground below towards elimination!

Fortnite OG Boogie Bomb, Suppressed Pistol, Minigun, and Crossbow