
Shop 'til you drop!


Fallout 76 is still continuing to update almost 5 years after its rocky launch and the game is certainly getting better with time.


Each week, the Atomic Shop updates to allow players to buy new items and even get some for free.


Bethesda's online action-role playing game is regularly refreshing the content to give players the best experience and that's no difference this week.


Here's the latest weekly update for the Atomic Shop in Fallout 76 for the 7th-14th March 2023.

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\n \n Release Date\n \n


Each Atomic Shop update comes once a week on Tuesday.


The next update comes on the 7th March 2023.


\n \n Atomic Shop Update (7th-14th March)\n \n






You are just the coolest cat around, aren't you? Claim the Greaser Pose for free from the Atomic Shop this week, available until March 14.


With the Owl in a Cage monthly freebie, you'll never have to worry about your owl flying away!




Available for Fallout 1st members until April 4.

ItemAvailable Until
Owl in a Cage (Fallout 1st)\nApril 4
Greaser Photomode PoseMarch 14

Visit the Atomic Shop on these days to claim a different reward, like consumables, in-game currencies, and more. Each of the items below is available until 12:00 p.m. ET the following day.

ItemAvailable on
Scout's BannerMarch 7
Caps x250March 8
Repair KitMarch 9
Scout's BannerMarch 10
Legendary Scrip x50March 11
LunchboxMarch 12
Super StimpakMarch 13





Order up! Create the donut and coffee shop of your dreams with the Slocum's Fat Stack Bundle, available until March 28.

ItemAtom price
Slocum's Fat Stack Bundle1800
K.D. Inkwell Bundle1800
Slocum's Fat Stack700
Pink Orange Slocum's Joe Coffee Machine500
Double Dunk Paint (Double-Barrel Shotgun)500
Slocum's Mr Fuzzy250
KD Inkwell Quil Weapon500
KD Inkwell Outfit700
KD Inkwell Backpack500

\n \n Atomic Shop Update (28th February-7th March)\n \n






Be sure to use only Vault-Tec approved weapon skins while representing Vault-Tec. This week, the Vault-Tec Official Flamer Weapon Skin is free for all Fallout 76 players until February 28.


For Fallout 1st Members, we get festive for Fasnacht with the Fasnachtler Outfit available free until March 7 and the Ammo Storage Box.

ItemAvailable Until
Fasnachtler Outfit (Fallout 1st)\nMarch 7
Vault-Tec Official FlamerMarch 7

Visit the Atomic Shop on these days to claim a different reward, like consumables, in-game currencies, and more. Each of the items below is available until 12:00 p.m. ET the following day.

ItemAvailable on
Free Vault-Tec Supply Package - Level 1February 28
Caps x250March 1
Scrap KitMarch 2
Perfect BubblegumMarch 3
Caps x250March 4
LunchboxMarch 5
Repair KitMarch 6





Normally, you would need the highest level of security clearance to enter a Nuclear test Bunker. Lucky for you the world ended so you can just walk on in there! You lucky dog. But, you should probably snag the Hospital Bed as well just to be safe…

ItemAtom Price
Nuclear Test Bunker1500
Enclave Armor Bundle1500
Solomon Hardy Bundle1800
Enclave Armor Paint1200
Screaming Eagle Paint (HMAR)500
Model of the Atom250
Hospital Bed500
Clean Office Cabinet500
White Floors300

The Enclave Armor Bundle Includes:

  • Enclave Power Armor Paint
  • \n
  • Screaming Eagle Handmade Rifle Paint
  • \n
  • Model of the Atom C.A.M.P. Décor
  • \n
  • \"That's Mine!\" Lootbag
  • \n

The Solomon Hardy Bundle includes:

  • Hospital Bed
  • \n
  • Clean Office Cabinet
  • \n
  • White Floors
  • \n
  • Ally: Solomon Hardy
  • \n
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\n \n \n \n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n \n","datePublished":"2023-03-09T10:20:00Z","description":"What's new in Fallout 76's Atomic Weekly Shop update?","headline":"Fallout 76 Atomic Shop Weekly Update (7th-14th March 2023)","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/5795/5430/articles/unnamed_14114279-8922-4234-bae5-0424ec9e7027.jpg?v=1706891233","url":"https://ca.turtlebeach.com/blog/fallout-76-atomic-weekly-shp-update"}
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Turtle BeachMarch 9, 2023

Fallout 76 Atomic Shop Weekly Update (7th-14th March 2023)

Shop 'til you drop!

Fallout 76 is still continuing to update almost 5 years after its rocky launch and the game is certainly getting better with time.

Each week, the Atomic Shop updates to allow players to buy new items and even get some for free.

Bethesda's online action-role playing game is regularly refreshing the content to give players the best experience and that's no difference this week.

Here's the latest weekly update for the Atomic Shop in Fallout 76 for the 7th-14th March 2023.

Release Date

Each Atomic Shop update comes once a week on Tuesday.

The next update comes on the 7th March 2023.

Atomic Shop Update (7th-14th March)


OwlCagefo1st 1920 870

You are just the coolest cat around, aren't you? Claim the Greaser Pose for free from the Atomic Shop this week, available until March 14.

With the Owl in a Cage monthly freebie, you'll never have to worry about your owl flying away!


Available for Fallout 1st members until April 4.

Item Available Until
Owl in a Cage (Fallout 1st) April 4
Greaser Photomode Pose March 14

Visit the Atomic Shop on these days to claim a different reward, like consumables, in-game currencies, and more. Each of the items below is available until 12:00 p.m. ET the following day.

Item Available on
Scout's Banner March 7
Caps x250 March 8
Repair Kit March 9
Scout's Banner March 10
Legendary Scrip x50 March 11
Lunchbox March 12
Super Stimpak March 13


LHERO SlocumsFatStack 1920 870

Order up! Create the donut and coffee shop of your dreams with the Slocum's Fat Stack Bundle, available until March 28.

Item Atom price
Slocum's Fat Stack Bundle 1800
K.D. Inkwell Bundle 1800
Slocum's Fat Stack 700
Pink Orange Slocum's Joe Coffee Machine 500
Double Dunk Paint (Double-Barrel Shotgun) 500
Slocum's Mr Fuzzy 250
KD Inkwell Quil Weapon 500
KD Inkwell Outfit 700
KD Inkwell Backpack 500

Atomic Shop Update (28th February-7th March)


f76 Fasnachtler 1920x870

Be sure to use only Vault-Tec approved weapon skins while representing Vault-Tec. This week, the Vault-Tec Official Flamer Weapon Skin is free for all Fallout 76 players until February 28.

For Fallout 1st Members, we get festive for Fasnacht with the Fasnachtler Outfit available free until March 7 and the Ammo Storage Box.

Item Available Until
Fasnachtler Outfit (Fallout 1st) March 7
Vault-Tec Official Flamer March 7

Visit the Atomic Shop on these days to claim a different reward, like consumables, in-game currencies, and more. Each of the items below is available until 12:00 p.m. ET the following day.

Item Available on
Free Vault-Tec Supply Package - Level 1 February 28
Caps x250 March 1
Scrap Kit March 2
Perfect Bubblegum March 3
Caps x250 March 4
Lunchbox March 5
Repair Kit March 6


LCARD NuclearTestBunker

Normally, you would need the highest level of security clearance to enter a Nuclear test Bunker. Lucky for you the world ended so you can just walk on in there! You lucky dog. But, you should probably snag the Hospital Bed as well just to be safe…

Item Atom Price
Nuclear Test Bunker 1500
Enclave Armor Bundle 1500
Solomon Hardy Bundle 1800
Enclave Armor Paint 1200
Screaming Eagle Paint (HMAR) 500
Model of the Atom 250
Hospital Bed 500
Clean Office Cabinet 500
White Floors 300

The Enclave Armor Bundle Includes:

  • Enclave Power Armor Paint
  • Screaming Eagle Handmade Rifle Paint
  • Model of the Atom C.A.M.P. Décor
  • "That's Mine!" Lootbag

The Solomon Hardy Bundle includes:

  • Hospital Bed
  • Clean Office Cabinet
  • White Floors
  • Ally: Solomon Hardy
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