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Nick FarrellJune 12, 2024

Destiny 2 Salvation's Edge Raid Modifiers: All Active Ones and More

Destiny 2 has consistently been one of the most played live service games throughout the years, and as players embark on The Final Shape, you're going to want to challenge the raid at some point. 

Salvation's Edge might be the hardest one yet, and these modifiers aren't going to make it any easier. 

Destiny 2 Salvation's Edge Raid Modifiers: All Active Ones and More

The brand new raid for Destiny 2 is something that players look ahead to each year, and this time around is no exception. 

Salvation's Edge is going to be an exciting raid to take part in and you'll need to be warned of these modifiers when diving into the raid. 

  • Electrified Conductor – In "Salvation's Edge," receive a large amount of Special ammo when charging a conductor.
  • Stacked – In "Salvation's Edge," final blows have an increased chance of spawning Heavy ammo while in possession of Resonance..
  • Persistent Resonance – In "Salvation's Edge," create orbs when depositing Resonance
  • Arm’s Reach – Unknown
  • High-Tier Elimination – In "Salvation's Edge," gain bonus ability energy when defeating challenging combatants or higher.