Black Ops 6 zombies is aiming to be a journey back to the good old days for the game mode, and from what we can tell so far, it's on the right track.
One aspect that players are already used too is the Perk-a-Cola Machines, and it's good to get a little refreshers into all the ones present in Black Ops 6.
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies: All Perk-a-Cola Machines Explained
Perk-a-Cola Machines are one of the core components of zombies, and throughout the years we've seen new ones added, but the usual suspects are always present.
These will help you out in battle, and it's always a priority to get ones such as Juggernog and Speed Cola.
All of the ones coming in BO6 include:
- Jugger-Nog: Increase maximum health by 100.
- Quick Revive: Reduce the health regen delay time by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.
- Speed Cola: Increase reload and armor replating speed bonus by 30%.
- Stamin-Up: Increase movement speed.
- PhD Flopper: Immunity to all self-inflicted damage and status effects. Dive to prone triggers an explosion, which increases the higher you fall. Immunity from fall damage while diving to prone.
- Deadshot Daiquiri: Aiming down sight moves to enemy critical location. Increase enemy critical damage.
- Elemental Pop: Every bullet you fire has a small chance to apply a random Ammo Mod effect.